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Montaña de la Flor - Love Honduras

The inhabitants of Montana De La Flor call themselves the Tolupanes.  They are the oldest indigenous people group in all of Honduras.  A Catholic missionary was moved with compassion when he saw the living conditions of the Tolupanes, so he went to the government of Honduras on their behalf to secure a better place for them.  That better place was Montana De La Flor.  Today there are more than 15,000 people living in Montana De La Flor organized into tribes and villages. The five main tribes are: San Juan, Gaurama, La Ceiba, La Lima, and Lavandaros.  The tribes are led by a chiefs.  There are also more than one hundred communities in Montana De La Flor and every community has a president. While Montana De La Flor is noted as one of the most beautiful places in Honduras, the Tolupanes who live there, live in extreme poverty. Their mortality rate related to malnutrition, starvation, and disease is high in comparison to the rest of the country.  Education is not highly valued in Montana De La Flor and so at least 45% of Tolupanes are illiterate.

The vision of Love Honduras is to bring the hope and love of the Gospel to every community in Montana De La Flor and secure a better future for the next generation.  Love Honduras currently has fifteen feeding programs for children in fifteen different communities feeding 1,500 children three to five times each week. Every month missions teams from Honduras, Guatemala, the United States, and Canada are brought to the mountain by Love Honduras to be love in action.  These teams preach the Gospel door-to-door, do community work projects, hold outreaches for children, give out food, clothes, and other basic necessities, and hold evangelistic campfires in various communities.  Jesus is changing Montana De La Flor.