The baskets come in all sizes and shapes. They also make small decorations such as turtles, cars, stars, hearts, airplanes, and fish. They are available at the Buffalo Dream Center or in Honduras at the Love Honduras mission house. All the proceeds go towards our feeding programs in Montana De La Flor.
If you are interested in placing an order or selling baskets to help raise money for our feeding programs, please contact the Buffalo Dream Center by email.
Stories of the Basket Makers
Gloria y Renaldo (husband and wife)
They have 6 children. They are apart of the tribe of San Juan. They have been making baskets together for more than 10 years. Gloria taught herself how to make them. She walks two hours to get the Suyate and more then twelve hours to get the Carriso(the dark color material). The suyate takes about one week to dry out before it can be used. The carriso has to be soaked in water for about one day. The baskets take between two hours and one day to make. The money she makes from selling baskets is used to buy sugar, coffee, beans, and corn. She would love be able to sell more baskets so she could buy more food for her family.
Victoria is a widow. She has 7 children and 12 grandchildren. She has been making baskets since her children were very young. She couldn’t remember how many years she has been making them but its been for a long time. The baskets are her only source of income. She taught her daughters how to make them when they were young and now they are teaching their daughters. She uses the money to buy soap, sugar, and coffee. If she could sell more baskets she would be really happy and she would use the money to buy rice and corn.
Dora is 38 years old. She grew up learning to make baskets from her mom and so she has been making them her whole life. She especially likes to make hearts, butterflies and sombreros. She uses the money to buy soap and food. Dora would love to have the opportunity to sell more baskets so she could make more money to buy food.
Hernan is 78 years old. He makes baskets and carves wooden spoons and spatulas. It takes him about 2 hours to carve one spoon. He makes them so his daughters can sell them. He said that sometimes his family has no food and so the money he makes from the spoons helps buy food for his family.
Maria lives alone with her daughter. She learned to make baskets when she was 8 years old from her mom. She buys rice, meseca, spaghetti, and corn with the money from her basket sales. She wants to sell more baskets so she can provide for her daughter better.

Honduran coffee is some of the best coffee in the world. The coffee sold by Love Honduras is grown by a pastor planting a church in a community called La Paz. Pastor Audias, his wife Pastora Saira, and their two daughters moved to La Paz and started home groups in October 2021. Their first service was in January 2022. Pastora Michelle Johns preached at the first service. The church was meeting in the backyard of the pastor’s house for 6 months but when the rainy season came their meeting place was always flooded. In June 2022 a man gave them a place to meet for free. They meet every Sunday at 10 am and they have some house meetings during the week. Their church is growing. They just started working in the local prison and they have a feeding program for children.
The coffee they grow and process is a medium roast coffee. If is processed naturally without the use of any chemicals. The coffee is $10 a pound and is available at the Buffalo Dream Center or in Honduras at the Love Honduras mission house. You can have 2 pounds shipped for $30.00 (including shipping)
If you or your organization is interested in buying the coffee in bulk or selling the coffee please contact the Buffalo Dream Center at information@buffalodreamcenter.org. All the proceeds go towards Love Honduras.