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Homes of Hope MDLF - Love Honduras

Last year some leaders of various Christian charities, including Feed the Hungry, Rino Global Solutions, and Kids Around the World,  visited Montana De La Flor with me.  On this trip, God touched their hearts to help us build homes for the homeless in Montana De La Flor.  Yes, there are families in the mountain without a secure home.  Homelessness is a worldwide crisis that touches every culture including the people of Montana De La Flor.  Since that time, I have collected information on nearly one hundred families impacted by homelessness in Montana De La Flor and I am sure there are many more.   

By providing a secure home for a family we can lift people out of their vulnerabilities to a life of productivity, self-sufficiency, and freedom.  Providing a home improves the health and hygiene of people.  It gives hope for a better future and puts a desire in people to improve their lifestyle and economic situation.  It provides people with a sense of safety and peace which is essential to a person’s emotional well-being.

A home represents a place of belonging. It is where people feel a sense of identity and purpose.  A home provides stability.  A home provides comfort.  A home provides security and protection. When we give the gift of a home to a family it is love in action. The gift of a home not only impacts the family receiving the home, but it impacts the entire community and demonstrates the love and care God has for every person.

It costs $5,000.00 to build a 20X20 house for a family.  Your business, church, organization, or you personally can sponsor a house and change a family.


Olivia and Girsela

Olivia is a part of the tribe of La Ceiba. Olivia is Girsela’s aunt.  A couple of years ago Girsela’s mom left the mountain and left Girsela in Olivia’s care.  She loves Girsela like her own daughter.  They live in extreme poverty and their previous house was literally falling over.  

Video of Oliva’s house being built

Angela and Anivel

In December 2020 I met this family.  The children were malnourished.  They were very shy and afraid of people.  Their life was full of hopelessness and despair.

In January 2021 Angela gave her life to Jesus at an evangelistic meeting we did in San Juan.  Jesus began to change her life and the lives of her children drastically.  Every time we were in the mountain she would come and hear the Word of God.  Her children would come to Kidz Club.  I loved on their family a lot. Sometimes I would pack a bag of groceries just for them.  Team members spent extra time reaching out to her children.  When we started our feeding program in Tamagazapa, their family began to come and eat at it frequently. They started to look healthy.  Then I noticed they looked cleaner.  Their clothes were cleaner.  The children had more energy and participated in Kidz Club.  Sometimes Angela would walk for hours if she heard we were in the mountain just to see us.  One day I woke up to her standing outside the building we were sleeping in with her youngest boy in her arms.  She said, “Pray for him, He is very sick.  I know Jesus will heal him.”  We prayed for him.  That night she came to the campfire and her little boy was healed.  He had no more fever.

One day our team was going door to door visiting people.  Some of my team decided to walk up to their house.  It is a twenty-minute walk up a mountain.  This is what they found. This is where Angela and her family of five lived.

I knew we had to do something and this is when God birthed Homes of Hope of Montana De La Flor in my heart.  We quickly raised the money to build my friend Angela a new house.  Another missionary friend who builds houses in Honduras offered to build it for me. Just a few months later Angela and Anivel had their new house.  This marked the first of many new homes for Montana De La Flor.

Every time I am in the mountain Angela finds me and thanks me for her house.  She always has a smile on her face.  This house did not solve all their struggles but it filled her and her family with hope. It taught them about love. Now she knows what love is. She knows she is loved not only on earth, but also by her Heavenly Father. Compassion is love in action.  “Dear children, we must show love through actions that are sincere, not through empty words.” (1 John 3:18 GW)


This is Demaris.  She is married with a son.  She is from the poorest community in the Mountian, Monte Negro.  She wanted a better life for her son so they left Monte Negro and lived where ever they could.  She and her husband were homeless.   They joined the church in Espinos and gave their lives to Jesus.  Demaris started volunteering at my feeding program in her community.  The tribe gave her a piece of land and the men’s work team built her house.  She was so happy when she hugged me she cried.
